It has Begun

It has begun!

It’s Friday June 7th and about 10:30pm. I just made my way from Bruttisellen, Switzerland to the beautiful and entirely unknown village of Tengen, Southern Germany. In fact it’s so far south that I still have 4 bars of Swisscom 3G reception, as the border is probably about 550 meters from where I am sitting.

I decided to start the journey today so that I can avoid the rather horrible traffic situation around Zurich (yes, also on Saturdays), and make good time to get to Almere, The Netherlands, by mid day when the sun is still warm and bright.

I did my due diligence and reset the odometer - of course this is of pivotal importance during road trips. Paul and I love grabbing statistics to see just how many trees we have to plant in carbon offsite (yeah, like that’s going to happen). With our 2010 Jeep Compass we guzzled gas like bosses. This time, the guzzling will be of Diesel fuel. We’re hoping it doesn’t bankrupt us :-)

In the car I called Paul to ping him “It has begun!”, but he was having absolutely none of it. So I’m now going to hang loose at my campingsite in Tengen until tomorrow morning, and then go straight to his house. I hope he picks up the phone at least tomorrow.

Posted by Pim van Pelt at 11:00 PM